Greeters & Ushers

Please contact Bob Greene or Theresa Fields for more information about these ministries.

Greeters make people feel at home as they arrive and welcome visitors and newcomers to our Church. A friendly smile and a welcoming spirit are all that is needed for this ministry.

The Ministry of Ushers functions at Mass and other special occasions, usually within the Church. There are three groups of people within the Ministry: the Head Usher at each Sunday Mass; the Lead Ushers that can substitute for the Head Usher at any given Mass and the Usher Volunteers that assist at Mass by taking up the collection. The Usher Volunteers form a loose knit group of men, women and young adults (students) who pass the collection baskets at the time of the Offering. These people are asked to serve at the particular Mass by the Head Usher. They form as a group at the Great Crossing before going to their designated aisle or section of the Church to pass the collection baskets. The Lead Ushers are a group of people who can be called upon to substitute for the Head Usher if he or she is not available. When substituting, the Lead Usher is responsible for assembling a staff of Volunteer Ushers needed for taking up the collection, and getting a group together to take up the gifts. At Christmas and Easter Masses, a Lead Usher may be asked to assist in directing parishioners to Communion. Each Mass has a Head Usher who is regularly assigned. The Head Usher has a set number of duties (see Checklist link above). The Head Usher acts as Maitre d’ or Head Waiter for our Eucharistic banquet. The Head Usher may greet the people as they enter the Church; should arrange to seat those who need directions; and arrange for the collection of the congregation’s offering. It falls upon the Head Usher to control movement within the Church during Mass and assist in any emergency.

Head Usher’s Checklist 1) Arrive about 10 minutes before Mass is scheduled to start. 2) Select ushers (a crew) to take up the collection (s). a) 6 people minimum at the 5:00 PM or 8:00 AM Mass b) 10 people at the 10:30 AM Mass c) Ushers may be men, women and/or teenagers 3) Select people to take up the gifts a) This group should be at least 3 people. b) This group can be a family or a group of individuals. c) If there is going to be a special occasion celebrated at your Mass try to have people from this group bring up the gifts. 4) Check to see if a second collection will be taken up. 5) Check the following: a) That all the collection baskets are accounted for at or about the Great Crossing; b) That the baskets for the collections that go forward as part of the Gifts are in the back of the Church; c) That the Bread and Wine are on the table at the rear of the Church. 6) After Mass has started, direct people entering from the main entrance (Court Yard) to be seated, except during the procession of ministers and priests to the altar, during ceremonies at the Baptismal Font, and during the first and second readings. 7) At the time for taking up the collection, make sure that your staff for the day get the cue. Make sure that the group that is taking up the Gifts get the cure too, but do not wait for them – substitute with some members of the your staff for the day if necessary. 8) At this time, ask anyone standing in front of the windows of the Family Chapel to be seated or move away from the windows. 9) After the collection, the baskets can be returned to their original location or left at the back of the Church until after Mass. 10)With the help of one or more other ushers for the day, start the procession of those going to communion. This is especially important on holidays and Head Usher’s Checklist special occasions. Block the side aisles and send everyone to the center aisle. 11)When the Mass is about to end, open both doors to the Court Yard. 12)When the procession is leaving the Altar, stop those who are leaving from the side aisle nearest the door. 13)After Mass, return collection baskets left at the rear of the Church to the proper place. 14)After Mass, see if the collection has been taken to the Sacristy by the Alter Servers; if not, take it there. 15)You may be asked to assist in other functions at Mass, but the role of the Head Usher is to be a good host or hostess to the Congregation attending Mass.