Living Our Faith

Deepen your individual and community relationships with God

The Living Our Faith ministry meets to do some faith-sharing and then discuss plans for the coming year.

We will meet monthly throughout the year on the 2nd Thursday of the month at  6:30pm in the Gibson Center.  To help you plan ahead, here are our meeting dates for 2025: January 9th; February 13th; March 13th; April 10th; May 8th and June 12th.

Come join us!  There is always a place for you at our table.

Living Our Faith group seeks ways to:  deepen our individual and community relationships with God; connect our faith to action; and support outreach to the greater community.

We invite you to join us as we continue to discern God’s call. All interested parishioners are invited to attend the monthly meetings. If you would like more information, please contact Nancy Midlin at [email protected] or Janet Saalfeld.

You pray for the hungry. 
Then you feed them. 
This is how prayer works.
                   ~ Pope Francis

The Living Our Faith ministry is sponsoring:
A Year-Round Food Drive to benefit Alameda County Community Food Bank

There are three easy ways to donate:

  1. Bring non-perishable food items (in non-breakable containers) to the baskets in the Church entry or to the barrels in the Gibson Center.
  2. Donate on-line at: and enter Group #6434475
  3. Scan the QR code on the flyer at the church entry.

For more information, please see the flyer below or contact Trish Ratto at [email protected]